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The Human Inheritance

The New Hope, Motherhood. By William Sharp

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I know that my Redeemer liveth—but out of the depths of time
He hath not called to me yet. But from th' immeasurable tracts
That widen unending to where beginneth eternity
Falleth at times a voice, heart-thrilling, soul-piercing, life-giving;
High sometimes and clear, as a lark singing in a holy dawn,
Hush'd and afar off again as a dreaming wave upon seas
Lit by a low vast moon, and windlessly sleeping, but ever
Sweet with a human love, and full of ineffable yearning,
And crying of soul unto soul from infinite deep unto deep.
And sometimes I look and gaze out upon uttermost darkness


And hear the wail of desolate winds moaning around the world—
Till the darkness shivers to light, and clashing thro' earth and heaven
I hear great wings make music, and marvellous thunderous songs
Shout “Thy Redeemer liveth, O human soul, and crieth for thee!”