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A Collection Of Poems

By John Whaley

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Verses Wrote Extempore in the first Leaf of Euclid's Elements.

Let Souls that in a lower Circle move,
What they affirm with nice Exactness prove;
What plodding Euclid says let others hear,
The Soul Poetick knows a higher Sphere.
Beauty in all its various Forms can view,
Nor Demonstration needs to prove it true;


Can see the Piles that in just order rise
With higher Joy, with more delighted Eyes,
Than he, who by his dull mechanic Trade,
Squar'd ev'ry Stone, and each in order laid.
I Envy not the Man whose skill can show,
If conically true the Firr-Trees grow;
Who from a gay Parterre no Joy receives,
But what the Box in Angles rising gives:
Who looks on Paint with Geometrick Eyes,
And nought, but well rang'd perspective, can prize.
If that be wanting, Raphael he'll disdain,
And Michael Frowns, and Psyche Smiles in vain.