University of Virginia Library


“Fair Julia lov'd a Soldier brave,
“Who was, or said he was, her slave:
“But, by his country call'd afar,
“To mingle in the toils of War,
“He, by his well-tried honour swore,
“That when the toils of War were o'er,
“Were he preserv'd for joys so sweet,
“He'd lay his laurels at her feet;
“And from the world's gay scene remove,
“To live with Julia and with Love:
“That he should feel far greater pride
“To dwell beneath some mountain's side,
“Possess'd of her unrivall'd charms,
“Than keep in awe a world in arms.
“She heard his vows, and gave her heart;
“Nor were her tears the tears of art:


“When her eyes wept his fond adieu,
“Her Words were warm, her Love was true.
“—At length the nations war no more,
“And Henry seeks his native shore.
“But ah, how great was his despair,
“What Fury did his bosom tear,
“When first the strange account he heard
“That his dear Julia had preferr'd
“Another, impotent and old,
“To her young Soldier, brave and bold;
“That Age and Avarice had led
“His Julia to the Marriage Bed.
“—He sought her, and requir'd to know
“What fatal change had work'd his woe.
“What had he done?—What he should do.
“He knew too well,—for he was true.
“His loss he should not long survive,
“He soon, alas, should cease to live.
“O that in battle he had died!—
“—That's not my wish, she quick replied:
“But e'er you tell your heart to break,
“I beg, my friend, you'll let me speak.—


“—Think me not false, for I am true:
“Nay, frown not,—yes, to Love and you.
“Reason and Int'rest told me both,
“To this old man to plight my troth.
“I had but little,—you had less;
“No brilliant view of happiness:
“And though, within the lowest cot,
“I would have shar'd your humble lot,
“Yet, when the means I could possess
“Which would our future Union bless,
“I gave my hand, th'allotted price,
“And made myself the sacrifice.
“When I was to the Altar led,
“Age and Decrepitude to wed,
“The Old Man's wealth seduc'd me there,
“Which gen'rous Hymen bid me share;
“And all, within a month or two,
“I hope, Brave Boy, to give to you.
“Behold, and see the stroke of Fate
“Suspended o'er my palsied mate:
“For Death, who fills his goblet high,
“Tells him to drink it, and to die.


“—And now, my Henry dear, depart
“With this assurance from my heart.—
“—I married him, by Heaven, 'tis true,
“With all his riches in my view,
“To see him die—and marry you.—”