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A paraphrase upon the canticles

and some select hymns of the New and Old Testament, with other occasional compositions in English verse. By Samuel Woodford

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To the Right Reverend FATHER IN GOD, SETH Lord Bishop of SARUM.

Mindful, whence first she learnt the early Skill,
In humble strains Almighty LOVE to sing;
And then of Her, to whom she' her Works does bring,
The CHURCH, and Colledg, both whose Names instil
Like Sentiments, and shall Fames Records fill
With Worthies, fit to 'employ the Noblest string
Of Heav'n-tun'd Verse, and almost tire its Wing,
To bear them, hence translated, up its Hill:
My Muse to You, my LORD, and your great Name,
This LEGEND of the one, and t'other LOVE,
(As different as their Ends and Natures prove)
Doubly inscribes; that thence her purer Flame
To Heav'n, so offer'd, may more grateful rise;
The grosser Parts be Wood for th' Sacrifice.