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or, Loyal Poems. By Tho. Shipman

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To my good friend Mr. R. Mason. raptim.
If Clients wants, or follies grant thee pause;
Or Sack, which is more powerful than Laws;
Please to unbend a while; lay Ploidon down,
And Cook, the two worst pick-pockets i'th' Town.
They rob with priveledge, and pow'rful hands;
When the poor Cutpurse close, and trembling stands.


And yet their malice is at them displeas'd:
Thus Alexander a less Pirat seiz'd.
The Law attaches Felons when it pleases:
The Plague so routs the Pox, and small diseases.
Yet we must seek its help; for 'tis well known,
Moll Cut-purse sought to help folks to their own.
Leave then this Scandal, and repair to me;
Who, tho half drunk, thirst for thy Company.
Here's Sack, if Noy (the quickest of your Tribe)
Had supp'd, he would have ta'n before a bribe.
Such as will make thee eloquent as Finch;
And yet not eek thy Rhet'rick with a Clinch.
Each drop of which a Ruby will create,
Inriching Noses at the Indian rate.
Haste then, or we shall be so rich and great,
We shall disdain, what now we do intreat.