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Spiritual Songs, or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God Upon several Occasions

Together with The Song of Songs Which is Solomons. First Turn'd, then Paraphrased in English Verse. The Second Edition, Corrected, with an Addition of a Sacred Poem on Dives and Lazarus [by John Mason]

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DIVES his Reply.

DIVES his Reply.

Moses ('tis true) was an Unerring Guide,
So were those Sixteen Prophets on his side.
This I as much believe, as if I saw
The Flaming Mount, and heard the Fiery Law,
When every word was accented with Thunder,
Which Rent those Oakes, the Jewish hearts asunder.
'Tis here as necessary to believe,
As it is Natural to feel and grieve.
I that am now a proof of Sacred Writ,
Do argue backwards with my After-wit.
Hell in the Threatnings tho' I did not See,
The Threatnings are in Hell made plain to Me.
I Skowl'd upon the Heavens when they did Lowre.
The Clouds I fear'd not, but I feel the Shower.
Nothing will move my Brethren but a Sign,
Experience is the powerful'st Divine.


Faith is the Child of Sense, whereas Report
Is Entertain'd with Blasphemy or Sport.
They have a Sword to Cut the Gordian Knot,
Moses saith many things, but proves them not.
And tho' they hear Substantial proofes there be,
Nothing is proofe to them but what they See.
Had they an Emissary from above,
The very Sight a Future state would prove.
Might he but tell them of your Heavenly Strand,
They'd all turn Pilgrims for that Holy Land.
Or might he preach the Torments which I feel,
His words would wound like burning Gads of Steel.
His words would tear down all, like Thundring Guns,
Beyond the faint attempts of Levies Sons.
O were I of this cursed Chain Releas'd!
(With that he gnash'd his teeth and knock'd his breast.)
Might I be to the Earth a Preacher sent,
I'de burn up Sin like Stubble where I went.
I'de Smoak away their Lusts and Flattering Lies:
Or forth I'de drive them with my Glaring Eyes.
I'de blow a Trumpet which should Rend the Ground,
Their Trembling Heartstrings should in Consort Sound;
I'de teach the faithless Sadducees their Creed,
And make the Pharisees to pray indeed.
I'de tell the Ranters such a doleful Tale,
That they should mourn as in Megiddons Vale.
I'de unbewitch the Sots and Slaves of Sin,
That such a Reformation should begin,
As in Josiah's time did not befall,
And the next Age should Canonize 'em all.