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The Hymnes and Songs of the Chvrch

Diuided into two parts. The first part comprehends the Canonicall Hymnes, and such parcels of Holy Scripture, as may properly be sung, with some other ancient Songs and Creeds. The second part consists of Spirituall Songs, appropriated to the seuerall Times and Occasions obserueable in the Church of England. Translated and Composed by G. VV. [i.e. George Wither]

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These that follow are Thankesgiuings for publike Benefits.

These that follow are Thankesgiuings for publike Benefits.


SONG. LXXXV. For seasonable Weather.


Sing this as the third Song.


LORD, should the Sun, the Cloudes, the Winde,
The Ayre and Seasons be
To vs so froward, and vnkinde,
As we are false to Thee;
All Fruits would quite away be burn'd,
Or lye in VVater drown'd,
Or blasted be, or ouerturn'd,
Or chilled on the ground.


But, from our duty though we swarue,
Thou still dost mercy show,
And daigne thy Creatures to preserue,
That men might thankfull grow;
Yea, though from day to day we sinne,
And thy displeasure gaine,
No sooner we to cry begin,
But pittie we obtaine.


The Weather now thou changed hast,
That put vs late to feare,
And when our hopes were almost past,
Then comfort did appeare
The heau'n the earths complaints hath heard,
They reconciled be;
And thou such weather hast prepar'd,
As wee desir'd of Thee.


For which with lifted hands and eies,


To thee we doe repay
The due and willing Sacrifize
Of giuing Thankes to day;
Because, such Offrings we should not
To render Thee be slow;
Nor let that mercy be forgot
VVhich thou art pleas'd to show.


SONG LXXXVIII. For Victorie.


Sing this as the 44. Song.


We loue thee, LORD, we praise thy Name
Who by thy great Almightie arme,
Hast kept vs from the spoile and shame
Of those that sought our causlesse harme.
Thou art our Life, our Triumph-Song,
The Ioy and Comfort of our heart;
To Thee all praises doe belong,
And thou the LORD of Armies art.


VVe must confesse it is thy powre,
That made vs Masters of the Field;
Thou art our Bulwarke, and our Towre,
Our Rocke of refuge, and our Shield.
Thou taught'st our hands and armes to fight
VVith vigor thou did'st gird vs round;
Thou mad'st our Foes to take their flight,
And thou did'st beat them to the ground.


With fury came our armed Foes,


To blood and slaughter fiercely bent,
And perils round did vs inclose,
By whatsoeuer way we went;
That had'st not thou our Captaine beene,
(To lead vs on, and off againe)
VVe on the place had dead bin seene.
Or mask'd in blood and wounds had laine.


This Song we therefore sing to Thee,
And pray, that thou for euermore
VVould'st our Protector daigne to be,
As at this time, and heretofore;
That thy continuall fauour showne,
May cause vs more to Thee encline,
And make it through the World be knowne
That such as are our Foes, are thine.

SONG. LXXXIX. For deliuerance from a publike Sicknesse.


Sing this as the ninth Song.


When thou wouldst, LORD, afflict a Land
Or scourge thy People that offend,


To put in practice thy Command,
Thy creatures all on Thee attend;
And thou, to execute thy Word,
Hast Famine, Sicknesse, Fire, and Sword.


And here among vs for our sin,
A sore Disease hath lately raign'd,
VVhose fury so vnstai'd hath bin,
It could by nothing be restrain'd;
But ouerthrew both weake and strong.
And tooke away both old and young.


To Thee our cries we therefore sent,
Thy wonted pittie, LORD, to proue;
Our wicked waies we did repent,
Thy Visitation to remoue;
And thou thine Angel didst command,
To stay his wrath-inflicting hand.


For which thy loue, in thankefull wise,
Both hearts and hands to thee we raise,
And in the stead of former cries,
Do sing thee now a Song of Praise;
By whom the fauour yet we haue,
To scape the neuer-filled Graue.


SONG XC. For the KINGS Day.


Sing this as the third Song.


When, LORD, we call to minde those things
That should be sought of Thee,
Remembring that the hearts of Kings
At thy disposing be;
And how of all those blessings, which
Are outwardly possest:
To make a Kingdome safe and rich,
Good Princes are the best.


We thus are mou'd to sing thy praise,
For Him thou daigned hast,
And humbly beg, that all our daies
Thy care of vs may last.
Oh, blesse our King, and let him raigne,
In peacefull safety long,
The Faiths Defender to remaine,
And shield the Truth from wrong.


With awfull Loue, and louing Dread,
Let vs obserue him, LORD,
And as the Members with their Head,
In Christian peace accord:
And fill him with such royall care,
To cherish vs for this;


As if his heart did feele we are
Some liuing parts of his.


Let neither Partie Struggle from
That duty should be showne,
Lest each to other plagues become,
And both be ouerthrowne:
For, o're a disobedient Land,
Thou dost a Tirant set;
And those that Tyrant-like command,
Haue still with Rebels met.


Oh, neuer let so sad a doome
Vpon these Kingdomes fall;
And to assure it may not come,
Our sinnes forgiue vs all:
Yea; let the Parties innocent
Some dammage rather share,
Then, by vnchristian discontent,
A double Curse to beare.


Make vs (that placed are below,
Our callings to apply)
Not ouer curious be to know,
What he intends on high.
But, teach him iustly to command,
Vs rightly to obey;
So, both shall safe together stand,
And doubts shall flie away.


When hearts of Kings we pry into,
Our owne we doe beguile;


And what we ought our selues to doe,
We leaue vndone the while:
Whereas, if each one would attend
The way he hath to liue,
And all the rest to Thee commend,
Then all should better thriue.


Oh, make vs, LORD, disposed thus,
And our dread Soueraigne saue;
Blesse vs in him, and him in vs,
We both may blessings haue;
That many yeares for him we may
This Song deuoutly sing,
And marke it for a happy day,
When he became our KING.