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Argalvs and Parthenia

Written by Fra: Quarles

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So ending; silence did enlarge her eare,
(Prepar'd with quicke attention) to heare
His gracious words: But Argalus whose passion
Had put his amorous Courtship out of fashion,
Return'd no answer, till his trickling eies
Had giuen an earnest of such obsequies,
As his adiourned sorrow had entended
To doe at full, and therefore recommended
To priuacy; True griefe abhorres the light,
Who grieues without a witnesse, grieues aright.
His passion thus suspended for a while,
(And yet not so, but that it did recoyle
Strong sighes) he wip'd his teare-bedewed eyes,
And turning to the Lady, thus replyes.