University of Virginia Library


[Vncivill sickness! hast thou no regard]

Vncivill sickness! hast thou no regard,
But doost presume my deerest to molest?
And, without leave, dar'st enter in that brest
Whereto sweet Love approch yet never dar'd?
Spare thou her health, which my life hath not spar'd;
Too bitter such revenge of my unrest,
Although with wrongs my thought shee hath opprest,
My wrongs seeke not revenge; they crave reward.
Cease Sicknesse, cease in her then to remaine,
And come and welcome, harbour thou in me,
Whom Love long since hath taught to suffer paine;
So shee which hath so oft my paine increast,
(O God, that I might so revenged be!)
By my poore paine might have her paine releast.