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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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Qui habitat in adiutorio. Psal. lxxxj.

Qui habitat in adiutorio. Psal. lxxxj.

Qvha on the hiest will depend,
And in his secreit help will traist,


Almichtie God sall him defend
And gyde him with his haly Gaist,
Thairfoir with mynde rype and degest,
Thow say to God my trew releue,
My hope, my God of michtis maist,
Onlie in him I will beleue.
He sall delyuer the at neid,
And saue thy lyfe from pestilence,
His wings ar thy weirlie weid.
His pennes ar thy strang defence,
And thow sall haue experience,
That his trew promeis is thy scheild
His word of grit magnificence,
Sall be thy buklar and thy beild.
Na wickit Spreit sall the affray,
Nor the delude into the nicht,
The fleand dartis be the day,
To trubill the sall haue na micht.
Na suddand chance of vncouth slicht,
Sall cummer the, nor mak the red,
Nor the perturbe in mark nor licht.
Bot from all plague thow sall be fred.
And thow sall se at thy left hand,
Ane thousand haue ane suddand fall.
And als thow sall se ten thousand
At thy richt hand, quhilk perische sall.
Ȝit nocht to the sall cum at all.
Bot thow sall with thine eine behald,
Sinnaris put fra memoriall,
With plagues grit and monyfald.


O Lord my hope and all my grace,
Thow saue me for thy grit mercy.
Thy gyrth is set in sicker place,
For he sall saue the michtfullie.
And na mischance sall cum to the,
Nor maledie sall the molest,
Na misfortoun thy hous sall se.
Bot all thingis wirk sall for the best.
His Angellis he sall giue ane charge,
That thay on the sall take the cure.
In all thy wayis to be ane targe,
To keip the from misauenture,
And with thair handis thay sall the sure,
That thow hurt nocht aganis ane craig.
Thy fute bot sall preserue the sure,
From perrellis, panis, and from plaig.
Thow sall strampe on the edderis strang,
And tred on the cruell Cocketrice,
The Lyonnis craig, thow sall ouer gang.
The dreidfull Dragoun thow sall chace.
Sen thow me traistis in all case{,}
Sayis God{,} I sall the saif from schame,
And the defend in euerie place,
For cause thow knew my godly name.
Quhen thow sall call, I sall the heir,
And in distres sall be with the.
I sall restoir the haill and feir,
And als I sall the magnifie.
With lang lyfe dotit sall thow be.
And at the last I sall the bring.


Quhair throw eternall gloir sall se,
For euer moir with me to Ring.