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Meditations. Memoratiues. By Elizabeth Grymeston

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Domine ne in furore.

Amiddes the fury, my deare Lord,
rebuke not me,
Nor let thy chasticement befall,
when wrathfull thou shalt be.
Thy arrowes in my selfe I feele
already stand,
I see, ô Lord, thou fixed hast
at me thy ayming hand.
Within my selfe (ô woe is me)
no health I finde,
Through feare and terror of thy face,
that seemes to wrath enclinde.
My very bones disturbed be,
gone is their peace,
My owne beholding of my sinnes,
doth worke my woes encrease.
And as my sinnes surmounting are,
I must confesse,
So are they mounted on my head,
and heauy me oppresse.
My crimes forepast and pardoned,
like starres remaine,
That putrifi'd breake out anewe,
because I sinne againe.
A wofull wretch am I become,
crooked I grow,
Each day I waile, and while I liue,
I will continue so.

My members by illusions led
me so restraine,
My healthlesse body is vnapt
true vertue to retaine.
By great affliction I am brought
exceeding lowe;
Be moued, Lord, through my loud groanes,
thy mercies to bestowe.
My suites, ô Lord, tend all to thee,
thou knowest my case;
My plaints and penance, Lord, accept,
that so I may haue grace.
Within my selfe my silly heart
is vexed still,
My force is lost, my sight I lacke
to see and shun my ill.
In my displeasing thee, ô Lord,
right well I see,
My friends are foes, my life is sought,
and force is wrought on me.
They wish my ill, and speake my scorne;
and when they smile,
Their hate admits no time of stay
to studie fraud and guile.
But I, alas, with patience prest
must all forbeare,
Like to the dumbe, and seeming deafe,
I neither speake nor heare.
And for because, ô gracious God,
I trust in thee,
Thou wilt, I know, my louing Lord,
giue eare and aide to me.

Let not, O Lord, my foes preuaile,
lest they reioyce,
Sith scarse my feet I may remoue,
but they aduance their voice.
Of my misdeeds I am prepar'd
to beare the smart:
Still is my sinne before my sight,
and sorow in my hart.
I will reuolue my faults forepast
amids my minde,
And those I truely will confesse,
that I may mercy finde.
Hate hath confirm'd on me my foes,
in wrong full wise,
And still they liue, and do increase,
whose enuy neuer dies.
They yeeld me ill that gaue them good,
and me defie,
Because I goodnesse would ensue,
from which they seeke to flie.
Forsake me not, O Lord my God,
in state distrest;
Be ready, Lord, to my reliefe,
my life in thee doth rest.
To Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghost
all glory be,
From former endlesse date to dure
to all eternitie.