University of Virginia Library


Sonetto. 31.

[I loue, inforst by loues vnlouing charmes]

I loue, inforst by loues vnlouing charmes,
My loue is pure, my loue is chast, and true,
And that I loue, the greater is my harmes:
Yf loue doth purchase hate, then loue adiew.
Why should not loue be recompens'd with loue,
And true desire, obtayne his due desert,
Yf beautie stirre thee to disdayne to moue?
When mighty stormes oppresse my troubled hart:
Knowe then that truth, may beauties blaze dismay,
And loyall hartes, scorne periur'd beauties pride,
Yeilde then in time, prolonge not my delay?
Lest others should your beauties grace deride:
So shall your worthes eternished remaine,
And gaine his loue which others pride disdaine.