University of Virginia Library



[Farewell, dear youth, whom Wykeham's wide-spread name]


The attribution of this poem is questionable.

Farewell, dear youth, whom Wykeham's wide-spread name,
Far from thy native isle, to Albion brought,
Warm'd with the love of science, to the walls
Whence Chiefs and Bards and holy Priests have sprung
Of ancient wisdom; for relentless Death
Hath swept thee to the grave! but as I tread
The solemn isle by the dim taper's gleam,
A sudden voice thus strikes my wand'ring ear:
“Weep not for me, to Heav'n's high mansions snatch'd
“From earth's low trifles, from life's pains and woes:
“I conquer Death, and triumph o'er the grave.”

Mons Collegio vicinus, ubi ad Dies Festos Pubes Wiccamica se lusu indulgent.
