University of Virginia Library



The flowers are sure his teachers
Who learns their varied speech,
And wondrous are the sermons
The friendly blossoms preach.
The Winter bids them vanish;
They close their friendly eyes,
And wait the joyous sentence
When Spring shall bid them rise.
They say, “Look up to heaven
With ever-radiant face,
Transmute earth's waste and rubbish
To purity and grace.
“Our roots may know dark secrets,
But these we do not tell;
When peevish zephyr questions,
We answer, ‘All is well.’
“Whether we deck the wedding
Or garland o'er the bier,
Comes still the steadfast message:
The end of all's not here.


“Pursue the humble wisdom
Wherewith God makes us wise,
And answer back his sentence
With hope that never dies.”