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The cuckoo, among the Swiss shepherds, is supposed to pronounce its own name as many times as the individual hearing will live years.

A damsel sat, one morning bright,
On the green lap of May,
And said:—“The number of my years
Tell, warbler, in thy lay.”
An hundred times, with note the same,
Pronounced the bird its own sweet name
Cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo!
Uprose the maid, perplexed to hear
The bird's continued cry,
And ran, directed by the sound,
With anger in her eye;
As she advanced the bird withdrew,
Still gayly singing as it flew
Cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo!
Far through the wood in vain—in vain,
The lovely maiden sped;
Then, with a heated brow, began
Her footsteps to retread:—
The saucy bird, in turn, pursued—
Once more the chase that maid renewed:
Cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo!
Aweary, on a fallen oak
At length a seat she found,
And cried:—“Sing on, vexatious bird!
I little heed the sound.”
Scarce uttered were the words, when sprang
From ambush her loved swain, and sang—
Cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo!