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The Emancipation Car

being an Original Composition of Anti-Slavery Ballads

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Rejoice, Sons of Freedom, this is a glad day;
The Star Spangled Banner waves proudly once more,
The voice of four millions now joins in the lay,
And Freedom re-echoes from shore unto shore
Rejoice! Rejoice!! our Nation now is free:
Rejoice! Rejoice!! this is a jubilee,
“Onward and Upward,” our motto shall be;
The Lord has made our country FREE.
Rejoice, Sons of Freedom, our country is saved;
The dark pall of slavery is swept from our soil,


And four millions bondmen are snatched from their graves,
No more 'neath the lash of the driver to toil.
Press on, press on, and never backward go;
Press on, press on, and yield not to the foe.
“Onward and Upward” our motto shall be
The Lord has made our country free.
Rejoice, Sons of Freedom, the day's past and gone,
The dark day of slavery, the curse of the land
We no more are called by the sound of the horn
We'll no more be marked by the slaveholder's brand.
Thank God, thank God, our fetters now are broke;
Thank God, thank God, we'll no more wear the yoke.
“Onward and Upward” our motto shall be,
For God has set our nation free.
Press on, Sons of Freedom, O never look back;
Our sorrows and burdens we'll leave them behind,
And tell by our voting, although we are black,
That power is a union of well-balanced minds.
Look up, look up, there's work for us to do,
March on, march on, as an army brave and true.
“Onward and Upward” our motto shall be,
The Lord has made our country free.