University of Virginia Library


Grad. soccer team scrimmage 5
p.m. today on Nameless Field.

Important, 1st meeting Off
Grounds Housing Organization;
Weds. October 24, 4th Floor
Newcomb Hall.

TV with McGovern night –
Wednesday, October 25, at 7:30
p.m. in the informal lounge at
Newcomb Hall.

Students for McGovern–Shriver
announce: A McGovern gathering,
8 p.m. Wed., Oct. 25, in Newcomb
Hall Ballroom. Students, faculty,
townspeople are urged to attend.

Important ISFC meeting, 4:00
DTD, attendance mandatory.

Meeting of Academic & Athletic
Affairs Committee of Student
Council Wed. 7:30 in Emmet
Loun. Everyone welcome.