University of Virginia Library



Religious Studies Picnic, Sunday
Oct. 17 for majors, graduate
students, and faculty. Please get
directions and sign up at the
Departmental bulletin board in
Cocke Hall Cost $1.00

Prisons as seen from the
Inside-Panel led by Dr. James Clark
who taught several years at San
Quentin. Unitarian Church, Rugby
Road, Saturday, Oct. 16 at 5 p.m.
All welcome.

Society of Architectural historians
important business meeting
Monday 5:00. 108 Cabell, New
members welcome.

ODK Business meeting, grad.
lounge, West Range, Tues. 8:00 PM
All members

Buster Keaton, "The General":
Charlie Chaplin, Disney shorts.
Continuous from 7:00. Gilmer,
$.75. Stereo sound.

Fencing Exhibition and meeting
University Hall, Monday Oct. 18,
8:00 PM Rides available, Dave
Seroskie 295-6865. Nathan
Schenker 296-2845.

University Railway Historical
Society will meet 7:30 PM.
Newcomb Hall, room 4-A, Tuesday,
Oct. 19. Bring your 722 pictures.

Mental Health Program-the dept of
Psychiatry and the
Charlottesville-Albemarle Mental
Health Assoc. will present a slide
show on "Mental Health in
Virginia" at 8:00 PM, Monday Oct
18, at Westminster Church. Public
is invited.

This week free- Marshmallows
Friday Night at 8:00 PM.
Marshmallow toast at 1705 Jeff Pk
Ave. Bring your own stick.

All organizations which have not
filed recognition forms for
academic year 1971-72, should do
so before Oct. 25. Forms can be
picked up at Student Council

Film Production Union Meeting.
Wilson Hall 215, 8:00 PM.
Still-Photography, new members

Volunteer needed at Airport Acres,
Accident victim needs constant
attention. Cynthia Massie Madison

Old Guides-Please, if you haven't
filled out a schedule already, make
up one showing when you are free,
deliver to 3 W. Lawn.

Judiciary Committee members
come by Student Gov. and sign up
for hours to man office.

Be a Volunteer. There are openings
left in companionship therapy.
Contact Madison Hall.

Jewish student needed to work
with Jewish patient, Western State,
Contact Cynthia Massie, Mad. Hall.

Educational Review Staff meeting
Oct. 18, 11:30 PM, Parlor A.
Newcomb Hall. Open to Grad. Ed.

Raven Society Members: Notify
Paul Hurdle I Watson House of
Local address for mailing list.