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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
6 occurrences of Dictionary of the History of Ideas
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6 occurrences of Dictionary of the History of Ideas
[Clear Hits]


For important statements of the theory of persecution,
see Théodore de Bèze [Beza], Traité de l'autorité du
magistrat en la punition des hérétiques
(1560), the original
Latin text of which had appeared in 1554, as De haereticis
a civili magistratu puniendis libellis.
... For the Roman
Catholic side, see, for instance, La conformité de la conduite
de l'Église de France pour ramener les Protestants avec celle
de l'Église d'Afrique pour ramener les Donatistes à l'Église
(Paris, 1685); and Traité de l'Unité de l'Église
et des moyens que les Princes chrétiens ont employés pour
y faire rentrer ceux qui en étoient sortis,
2 vols. (Paris,
1686-88), by the Oratorian Louis Thomassin. (A posthumous
enlarged second edition appeared in 1700 under a different


title: Traité dogmatique et historique des Édits..., 3 vols.)
This is a serene and scholarly defense of persecution. See
also, as late as the mid-eighteenth century, the different
books of Abbé Caveirac.

One finds a comprehensive general bibliography in Father
Joseph Lecler, S. J., Toleration and the Reformation (London,
1960); originally, Histoire de la tolérance au siècle de la
(Paris, 1955). There is a useful, shorter bibliography
in Henry Kamen, The Rise of Toleration (New York, 1967);
see also idem, The Spanish Inquisition (London, 1965) and
Léon Poliakov, Histoire de l'antisémitisme, 3 vols. (Paris,
1955); Volume 4 in preparation.

In Persecution and Liberty, essays in honor of George
Lincoln Burn (New York, 1931), one finds several papers
of great value, specially one by R. H. Bainton on Castellion,
with respect to which, for the sake of brevity, it is enough
to mention that practically all of Bainton's production is
of prime importance for the present subject. In Autour de
Michel Servet et de Sébastien Castellion,
ed. B. Becker
(Haarlem, 1953), appear studies in four different languages,
according to the nationality of the different collaborators.
W. J. Stankiewicz, Politics and Religion in Seventeenth-
Century France
(Berkeley, 1960) should be noted; and
Hérésies et sociétés dans l'Europe préindustrielle, XIe-XVIIIe
Colloque de Royaumont présenté par Jacques Le
Goff (Paris and The Hague, 1968), assembles also a number
of scholarly studies on its theme.

There is a recent critical reissue of the original Latin
text of Locke's Letter Concerning Toleration in French,
Italian, Polish, as well as English-German translation, all
of them published under sponsorship of the Fédération
Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie and of UNESCO,
in the collection “Philosophie et Communauté Mondiale.”
Another important edition is Epistola de tolerantia, trans.
J. W. Gough, with an introduction by Raymond Klibansky
(Oxford, 1968). The latest printing of Bayle's Commentaire
is more than two centuries old, but it is
included in the second volume of his Oeuvres diverses,
recently photographically reissued in Germany.

Other works include: J. W. Hauer, Toleranz und Intoleranz
in der nichtchristlichen Religionen
(Stuttgart, 1961); Guido
Kisch, “Toleranz und Menschenwürde,” Miscellanea
4 (Berlin, 1966); and H. R. Schlette,
“Toleranz,” Handbuch theologischer Grundbegriffe, Vol. II,
ed. Heinrich Fries (Munich, 1963).


[See also Agnosticism; Church as an Institution; Deism;
Freedom; God; Heresy; Individualism;Law, Natural;Refor-
; Sin and Salvation; Skepticism; Utilitarianism.]