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28 APRILL 1619 A Quarter Court held for Virginia at Sr Thomas Smiths howse in Philpott Lane 28 of Apr9 1619 Present Right hono:ble͠
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Records of the
Virginia Company of London

28 APRILL 1619
A Quarter Court held for Virginia
at Sr Thomas Smiths howse in Philpott
Lane 28 of Apr9 1619 Present
Right hono

  • The Earle Southampton.
  • The Earle of Warwick.
  • The Lo: Cauendish.
  • The Lo: Pagett.
  • Generall Cecill.

Sr Thomas Smith knt Thr̃er. 
Sr Edwin Sandis.  Sr Nath. Rich.  mr Wm Bell. 
Sr Iohn Dãuers.  Sr Io: Wolstenholme.  mr Humfry Handford. 
Sr Iohn Merrick.  Sr Wm Russell.  mr Rich: Rogers. 
Sr Dudley Diggs.  Sr Tho: Wilford.  mr Iohn fferrar. 
Sr Nicholas Tufton.  mr Aldr̃an Iohnson.  mr Clitheroe. 
Sr Samuell Sandis.  mr Morrice Abott.  mr Caning. 
Sr Henry Rainsford.  mr Thomas Gibbs.  mr Ditchfeild. Cr
Sr Robt Wayneman.  mr Thomas Stiles. 
Sr Tho: Cheeke.  mr Wm Greenwell. 

The last Court referring the duty appertayning to every perticuler
Office to be considered and prepared against the Quarter Court by a
select Comittee, they haue therein taken extraordinary paines: And


according as they were desired haue attended the ll͠s and receaued their
approbac̃on of the orders by them conceiued: Wch orders were now
presented to the Court; where after they were twice read, (being putt
to the question) they were confirmed by a Generall erecc̃on of handℯ[1] .

This Quarter Court according to the Lr̃es Pattents being chiefly
ordayned for the elecc̃on of Officers: Mr Tr̃er desired the Court that
before he left his place, he might acquaynt them wth two messages
Lately rec̃ from the King: The one was, that he receaued a ɫre from
mr Secretarie Caluert that his Matie had sent a man vp suspected
for Deere stealing, to be transported for Virginia; and vnderstanding
that Mr Iohn fferrar had a shipp shortly to goe thither, ∥ desired ∥ that
his Mats resoluc̃on might be fulfilled therein. The other was, that
this morning there came a messenger of the Chamber to vnder-
stand of the welfare of the Plantation, his Maty hauing heard that
a Shipp was come from thence: And so desired the Court to
proceed to the choice of their Officers, signifying that for these
Twelue yeares he hath willingly spent his Labors and endeauors for
the support thereof: and being now appointed by the Kinge a
Comissioner of his Nauie he could not giue such good attend-
ance as he therein desired. Requesting the Court to shewe him
so much fauor as now ∥ to ∥ dispence with him, and to elect [2]
some worthy man in his place, for he had resolued to relinquish it,
and therefore desired that two requests might be graunted him for all
his service done vnto them. ffirst that he may ∥ might ∥ haue their
good report according as he hath deserued: And secondly that his
account might be wth all speed audited, that before he dyes, he might
see the same cleered, and receiue his Quietus est vnder the Companies
seale. Wch the Cort finding his resoluc̃on to be settled, and that he
would not stand in elecc̃on; they proceeded according to the Last
Standing order now read, to make choice of their Treasuror Sr Edwin
Sandis, Sr Iohn Wolstenholme and mr Aldr̃an Iohnson being nomi-
nated and accordingly ballated, the Lott fell to Sr Edwin Sandis to
be Tr̃er, he hauing 59 balls, Sir Io: Wolstenholme: 23: and Aldr̃an
Iohnson: 18: wherevpon his oath was administred.[2]


Proceeding to the elecc̃on of the Deputy, there was nominated mr Alder̃
Iohnson, mr Xofer Cletheroe, and mr Iohn fferrar, who being bal-
loted mr Iohn fferrar was elected Deputy for the ensuing yeare by
hauing 52 balls, mr Aldr̃an Iohnson 29, and mr Christopher Cle-
theroe ten; vpon wch the said mr Iohn fferrar had his Oath giuen.

Next the Court proceeded to the elecc̃on of the Comittees, wch was
performed according to the Standing order now read, one fourth part
being nowe elected, and the rest by erecc̃on of hands confirmed,
Their names be these,

mr Raphe Gore.  mr Edw: Ditchfield.  mr Caswell. 
mr Wm Caninge  mr Geo: Smith.  mr Paulson. 
mr Palmer.  mr Dan: Darnelly.  mr Keightley. 
mr Wm Essington.  mr Ri: Morer.  mr Chambers. 
mr Tho. Wheatley.  mr Berblock.  mr Wiseman. 
mr Barnard 

In like sort for Auditors the Court now haue made choice for the suc-
ceeding yeare of Sr Io: Dãuers, mr Io: Wroth, mr Essington, mr Io:
fferrar, mr Briggs, mr Wiseman and mr Chambers, who taking their
Oaths, all saue mr Iohn Wroth who was absent, they or any three of
them were desired to bestowe some extraordinary paines in the expe-
diting of the Acco wch they haue promised to performe.

Valentine Markham Bookeeper 
William Webb Husband  Was confirmed in their former
places and tooke each of them the
same Oath. 
ffrancis Carter the Officer Cr 
Henry ffotherby Secretary 

Vpon the absence of Sr Tho: Smith the Court was moued by Sr Edwin
Sandis now Treasuror, that in considerac̃on of the greate trouble [3]
mixed often with much sorrowe wch Sr Thomas Smith had endured,
during the terme of Twelue yeares past from the very infancy of the
Plantac̃on vnto this present, and had now surrendred vp his place
at such time as (by the blessing of God) there was hope that the
Action might proceed and prosper if it were followed wth care and


industry requisite for soe greate a busines; That therefore in some
sort according to their abillities, it were fitting to express their thank-
fullnes for his good endeauours in conferring Twenty shares vpon
him: wch being put to the question, it was agreed he should haue
Twenty greate shares and was confirmed vnto him by a Generall
erecc̃on of handes.

This Court was acquaynted, that the Lord of Salisbury desired the
admittance of Captaine [3] Brett into this ffellowshipp, and to
that end his Lõp hath giuen him Two of his shares in Virginia,
requesting that he might be suffered to sitt in the Courtℯ, and as
occasion serueth to sollicite his busines. Wch the Court hath willingly
graunted vnto him, so as the same be donne according to the orders
of the Company.

Vpon the request of Captaine Daniell Tucker for this Court to con-
ferr 20 shares vpon him for his fiue yeares service spent in Virginia,
aswell for his personall Adventure, as for the severall Offices and
eminent places wch there he held and executed, as namely, Capemer-
chant, Prouant Mr, one of the Counsell, Truck Mr and Viceadmirall,
wherein by reason of shortnes of time, was now referred to the Gen-
erall Comittee to giue him reward as they shall thinke fitt.


For a draft of this report see List of Records, No. 105, page 133 ante.


For documents relating to this election see List of Records, Nos. 108 and 170, pages 133 and 140, ante.


A blank space in the manuscript.