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Essays, Biography, Etc.

Group 4: Addison and Steele's The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers or
selections from the Tatler and the Spectator (about 200 pages); selections from
Boswell's Life of Johnson (about 200 pages); Franklin's Autobiography;
selections from Irving's Sketch Book (about 200 pages) or his Life of Goldsmith;
Southey's Life of Nelson; selections from Lamb's Essays of Elia
(about 100 pages); selections from Lockhart's Life of Scott (about 200 pages);
Thackeray's lectures on Swift, Addison, and Steele, in the English Humorists;
any one of the following essays of Macaulay: Lord Clive, Warren Hastings,
Milton, Addison, Goldsmith, Frederick the Great, Madame d'Arblay;
from Trevelyan's Life of Macaulay (about 200 pages); Ruskin's Sesame and
or selections from Ruskin's works (about 150 pages); Dana's Two


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Years Before the Mast; selections from Lincoln's works, including at least the
two Inaugurals, the speeches in Independence Hall and at Gettysburg, the Last
Public Address, the Letter to Horace Greeley, together with a brief memoir
or estimate of Lincoln; Parkman's The Oregon Trail; Thoreau's Walden;
selections from Lowell's essays (about 150 pages); Holmes' The Autocrat of
the Breakfast Table;
Stevenson's An Inland Voyage and Travels with a
Huxley's Autobiography and selections from Lay Sermons, including
the addresses On Improving Natural Knowledge, A Liberal Education, and A
Piece of Chalk;
a collection of Essays by Bacon, Lamb, DeQuincey, Hazlitt,
Emerson and later writers; a collection of Letters by various standard writers.