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The Works of Peter Pindar [i.e. John Wolcot]

... With a Copious Index. To which is prefixed Some Account of his Life. In Four Volumes

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Sweet child of summer, who from flow'r to flow'r,
To sip each odour, sport'st on silken wing;
I greet thy presence 'mid the golden hour,
Whilst with the birds the vales of Serdi ring.
I see thee perching on each rose's bloom;
From fragrance thus to fragrance wont to glide;
Now from the tender vi'let waft perfume;
Now fix'd upon the lily's snowy pride.
Though blest art thou—my bliss is greater still;
I kiss the bosom of the brightest fair!
The charms of Adel all my senses fill;
And whilst those charms I press, her love I share.
But thou a mutual passion canst not know;
No fond endearments can return to thee—
Whilst I, belov'd, with constant rapture glow—
Sweet child of summer, come and envy me.