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[What profits it alas, to hear]

If any man hear My words, and believe not, &c. —xii. 47, 48.

What profits it alas, to hear
Thy sayings with a careless ear
Unless Thy sayings I obey,


In vain I call Thee God or Lord;
Neglecting to perform Thy word,
Thy word shall judge me in that day:
Thy gospel which I now despise,
Against me shall in judgment rise
And aggravate my fearful doom:
Unless I feel my guilty load,
A sinner dying in my blood,
And to the Friend of sinners come.
A sinner now I come to Thee,
For pardon life and liberty
Thy reconciling word receive:
Thou cam'st at first to show Thy grace,
Not to condemn our sinful race,
And diedst that all mankind might live.
In Thee an Advocate I have,
And answering Thy design to save
My humble confidence hold fast;
Bless'd with the faith that works by love,
Henceforth in all Thy paths I move,
And reach my Father's house at last.