University of Virginia Library


[In trouble I dare not complain]

Now is My soul troubled; and what shall I, &c. —xii. 27.

In trouble I dare not complain,
When Jesus Himself is distress'd,
O'erwhelm'd by a sight of His pain,
With grief above measure oppress'd!
He seems at a loss what to say:
But rescue He will not desire,
Consumed by the wrath of that day,
Baptized with a torrent of fire!
Who all our infirmities knows
Doth all our infirmities feel,
And when the dread cup overflows,
Submitting His innocent will,
The cup from His Father receives
That I my vocation may see:
To me an ensample He leaves,
He leaves of His patience to me.
Supernally strengthen'd to bear
The sight of the terrible hour,
My weakness I humbly declare,
My Lord in the furnace adore;
Thy cross I accept and embrace,
Thy death I no longer decline,
So Thou, who hast died in my place,
Preserve me eternally Thine.