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[Ah, Lord, my ignorance I own]

These things understood not His disciples, &c. —xii. 16.

Ah, Lord, my ignorance I own,
Thy mind I cannot yet conceive,
But wait till Thou, to make it known
Thy own revealing Spirit give,
Thy lively oracles to' explain,
And plant Thy reigning power in man.
I read, but cannot comprehend
The depth of Thy mysterious word;
But when Thou dost Thy Spirit send,
I there shall find my pardoning Lord,
By Thy own light discover Thee,
And born of God, Thy kingdom see.
Enthroned again above the skies,
Thou hast obtain'd the Comforter,
Who opens our enlighten'd eyes,
By humble faith, and childlike fear,
Brings to our mind Thy words of grace,
And all Thy depths of love displays.
The veil removed we then perceive,
The' inexplicable book unseal'd,
Thy sovereign Deity believe,
In whom the Scriptures are fulfill'd,


Who dost Thy gracious sway maintain,
And in our hearts triumphant reign.