University of Virginia Library


[He dies, as now for us He dies!]

He dies, as now for us He dies!
That all-sufficient sacrifice
Subsists, eternal as the Lamb,
In every time and place the same;
To all alike it co-extends,
Its saving virtue never ends.
He lives for us to intercede,
For us He doth this moment plead,
And all who could not see Him die
May now with faith's interior eye
Behold Him stand as slaughter'd there,
And feel the answer to His prayer.


While now for us the Saviour prays,
Father, we humbly sue for grace;
Poor helpless dying victims we,
Laden with sin and misery,
His infinite atonement plead,
Ourselves presenting with our Head.
Assured we shall acceptance find,
To Jesus in oblation join'd,
Where'er the scatter'd members look
To Him who all our sorrows took,
The saving efflux we receive,
And, quicken'd by His passion, live.