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[Life to a soul if Jesus give]

Then Jesus . . . came to Bethany, where Lazarus, &c. —xii. 1.

Life to a soul if Jesus give
He will not then neglect and leave
His Lazarus restored,


But visits and confirms the grace,
The tender life of righteousness,
And feeds him with the word.
The sinner saved is Jesu's guest,
(Whose presence makes the' angelic feast,
Whose glory fills the skies,)
He banquets on redeeming love,
Nor envies those he left above,
The saints in paradise.


[Money with God of no esteem]

He was a thief, and had the bag. —xii. 6.

Money with God of no esteem
He doth to thieves and traitors trust,
But precious souls are kept by Him,
Are safe with Jesus Christ the just:
Judas the church's goods may steal,
He cannot make our souls his prey,
Though help'd by him who comes from hell
The sheep to spoil, and kill, and slay.


[The world who only seek their own]

Then said Jesus, Let her alone (Gr. Forgive her). —xii. 7.

The world who only seek their own,
Compassion for the poor pretend,
But judge who live for God alone,
And all on their Redeemer spend:
They may external works approve
Whene'er the needy we relieve,
But our excess of zealous love
To Christ, they never can forgive.


[The things we most affect and prize]

Against the day of My burying hath she kept this. —xii. 7.

The things we most affect and prize
We offer Christ in sacrifice,


His costliest gifts to Him restore,
And wish our utmost all were more.


[We bless Thee Saviour for the grace]

The poor always ye have with you. —xii. 8.

We bless Thee Saviour for the grace
Which left Thy deputies behind:
The poor on earth supply Thy place
That man may still to God be kind:
Our alms expecting to receive
The Head we in the members see;
And what to them we do or give,
We give, or do it, Lord to Thee.


[Ye who curiously desire]

They came not for Jesus' sake only, &c. —xii. 9.

Ye who curiously desire
The works of Christ to see,
Come; but farther grace require,
And His disciples be:
Him who raised us from the dead,
Expect your sinful souls to raise;
Feel the Spirit of our Head,
And live to Jesu's praise.


[The people still go forth to meet]

Much people . . . took branches of palm-trees, &c. —xii. 12, 13.

The people still go forth to meet,
And Jesus with Hosannahs greet,
The King of saints, the God supreme,
His Sender comes reveal'd in Him.
Receive Him in Jehovah's name,
Jehovah is with Christ the same,
Receive Him in His Spirit bestow'd,
The fulness of the triune God!


He comes, He comes, on earth to reign,
He brings us back our power again,
The sovereignty which Adam lost,
With Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
In us who Christ our God adore,
He doth His kingdom here restore,
And in our faithful hearts we prove
The reigning power of Jesu's love.
The Author of our joy we bless,
The King of peace and righteousness,
Triumphant in the earnest given,
For present love is present heaven.
We soon shall meet Him in the sky,
And ceaseless Hallelujah cry,
Palms in our hands, as conquerors, bear,
And glory on our foreheads wear.


[Pomp and magnificence He leaves]

Fear not, daughter of Sion: behold, thy King, &c. —xii. 15.

Pomp and magnificence He leaves
To kings who need their weakness hide,
No dignity from man receives,
Who comes but to encounter pride,
To make the world and sin submit,
And trample death beneath His feet.
Meekness and love compose His train,
Sion, rejoice thy King to see;
He comes o'er willing hearts to reign,
By patience and humility;
Ye need not fear the sinner's Friend
Who comes your sins and fears to end.


Sinners by gentleness He wins,
And sweetly bends them to His sway;
Receive your mild pacific Prince,
Enjoy the happiness to' obey,
Delight His easy yoke to prove,
And bless His law of life and love.


[Ah, Lord, my ignorance I own]

These things understood not His disciples, &c. —xii. 16.

Ah, Lord, my ignorance I own,
Thy mind I cannot yet conceive,
But wait till Thou, to make it known
Thy own revealing Spirit give,
Thy lively oracles to' explain,
And plant Thy reigning power in man.
I read, but cannot comprehend
The depth of Thy mysterious word;
But when Thou dost Thy Spirit send,
I there shall find my pardoning Lord,
By Thy own light discover Thee,
And born of God, Thy kingdom see.
Enthroned again above the skies,
Thou hast obtain'd the Comforter,
Who opens our enlighten'd eyes,
By humble faith, and childlike fear,
Brings to our mind Thy words of grace,
And all Thy depths of love displays.
The veil removed we then perceive,
The' inexplicable book unseal'd,
Thy sovereign Deity believe,
In whom the Scriptures are fulfill'd,


Who dost Thy gracious sway maintain,
And in our hearts triumphant reign.


[Fain would I my Redeemer see]

We would see Jesus. —xii. 21.

Fain would I my Redeemer see,
As when extended on the tree
He groan'd beneath my sinful load,
He pour'd out all His sacred blood:
Above, I want this only sight,
To view the Lamb by His own light,
To' admire the lustre of those scars,
Which brightens all the morning stars!


['Tis all my longing soul's desire]

'Tis all my longing soul's desire
To see whom earth and heaven admire,
Whom saints and angels love,
On Him with eyes of faith to gaze,
And then behold His blissful face
With all His saints above.
Thee, King of kings, I pant to see,
Array'd with power and majesty,
The Father's and Thy own,
To see transported at the sight,
And fall with all the sons of light
Before Thy azure throne.
Some token, gracious Lord, impart,
And now let my believing heart
The earnest sure receive;
Myself that I may loathe and hate,
In me the seeing eye create,
The life eternal give.


That plainly in the gospel-glass
Beholding Thee with open face,
I in Thy light may shine;
Transform'd into Thine image here,
And then before my God appear,
My God for ever mine!


[How pleasing is the harmony]

Philip . . . telleth Andrew . . . Andrew and Philip, &c. —xii. 22.

How pleasing is the harmony
When Jesu's ministers agree,
In bringing souls to Him conspire,
And point them to the world's Desire;
His followers true, no envious zeal,
No vain self-preference they feel;
His glory seek, and not their own,
And live to' exalt their Lord alone.


[Son of man, the hour is come]

The hour is come, that the Son of man should, &c. —xii 23.

Son of man, the hour is come
To glorify Thy name,
Call the world of sinners home,
Thy goodness to proclaim:
Is not this Thy proper praise
The dead to' awake, the lost to find?
Jesus, glorify Thy grace
By saving all mankind.


[The Father's Fellow, and His Son]

Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground, &c. —xii. 24.

The Father's Fellow, and His Son
On His everlasting throne
Did long alone abide;
But fell when God became a man,
Into our earth, a heavenly grain,
And here the Saviour died.


The church's Principle and Seed,
Jesus for a season dead
Sprung up out of the grave;
He did through His own virtue rise
And re-ascended to the skies,
Our sinful world to save.
He yields the infinite increase,
Millions of His witnesses
Out of His passion shoot,
Through Jesu's quickening power believe,
Life from their Saviour's death receive,
And fill the world with fruit.
In them the' immortal seed remains,
Them the Bread of life sustains
And feeds, and multiplies,
Till that eternal harvest come,
And raise their bodies from the tomb,
And store them in the skies.


[Jesus, while yet a Man of woe]

Where I am, there shall also My servant be, &c. —xii. 26.

Jesus, while yet a Man of woe
On earth Thou saidst “In heaven I am!”
And all who in Thy footsteps go
Thy place above by promise claim,
Feeble and faint, yet following on,
Thy servant shall ascend Thy throne.
The least of Thy disciples I
Of all that ever knew Thy love,
On Thy most faithful word rely,
And wait till Thou my soul remove,
To see the house Thou hast prepared,
To win through grace Thy own reward.



[Jesus, how great Thy servants are!]

If any man serve Me, him will My Father honour. —xii. 26.

Jesus, how great Thy servants are!
What dignity on man bestow'd!
We, who rejoice Thy yoke to bear,
Are honour'd with the' esteem of God,
Thy praise, Thy glory we obtain,
And kings we in Thy kingdom reign.


[In trouble I dare not complain]

Now is My soul troubled; and what shall I, &c. —xii. 27.

In trouble I dare not complain,
When Jesus Himself is distress'd,
O'erwhelm'd by a sight of His pain,
With grief above measure oppress'd!
He seems at a loss what to say:
But rescue He will not desire,
Consumed by the wrath of that day,
Baptized with a torrent of fire!
Who all our infirmities knows
Doth all our infirmities feel,
And when the dread cup overflows,
Submitting His innocent will,
The cup from His Father receives
That I my vocation may see:
To me an ensample He leaves,
He leaves of His patience to me.
Supernally strengthen'd to bear
The sight of the terrible hour,
My weakness I humbly declare,
My Lord in the furnace adore;
Thy cross I accept and embrace,
Thy death I no longer decline,
So Thou, who hast died in my place,
Preserve me eternally Thine.



[The lasting peace of mind]

Father, glorify Thy name. —xii. 28.

The lasting peace of mind,
The true tranquillity,
In trouble's lowest deep I find
By leaving all to Thee:
Father, Thy will be done,
In Thy bless'd hands I am,
And live and die for this alone,
To glorify Thy name.


[Thou hast in me display'd]

I have both glorified it, and will, &c. —xii. 28.

Thou hast in me display'd
The glory of Thy power,
And wilt again reveal Thine aid
In Thine appointed hour;
Returning from the sky
My fears and sins remove,
And save my soul, to magnify
Thine own almighty love.


[Amidst the worldly noise]

The people . . . said that it thundered: others, &c. —xii. 29.

Amidst the worldly noise
And hurrying strife below,
How few the comfortable voice
Of their Creator know!
But all His voice may hear
Who still His Son imparts,
And sends the heavenly Comforter
To teach within our hearts.


[For me the answer came]

This voice came . . . for your sakes. —xii. 30.

For me the answer came,
Thou wilt to me make known
Thy nature, attributes, and name,
Through Thine incarnate Son;


Wilt for His sake forgive,
In honour of Thy grace,
And bid a pardon'd sinner live
To Thine eternal praise.


[Now that the world our God arraign]

Now is the judgement of this world: now shall, &c. —xii. 31.

Now that the world our God arraign,
The world are tried themselves and cast,
Now that the Lord of life is slain,
The tyranny of hell is pass'd:
Jesus by His expiring breath
Doth Satan's earthly throne o'erthrow,
Destroys who had the power of death,
And drives him to the realms below.


[The promise made our fallen race]

I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw, &c. —xii. 32.

The promise made our fallen race,
And by the blood of Jesus seal'd,
The word of all-attracting grace,
I find ten thousand times fulfill'd:
But, Lord, I want the sight above,
The grace to saints triumphant given;
Draw by the cords of perfect love,
And draw me to Thyself in heaven.


[From the tribunal of Thy cross]

This He said, signifying what death He, &c. —xii. 33.

From the tribunal of Thy cross
Satan and sin Thou dost condemn,
But vindicate Thy people's cause,
And merit saving grace for them:
Thy cross to us a gracious throne,
The instrument of good we find,
The source of every blessing own,
And life procured for all mankind.



[Seeming contrarieties]

And how sayest thou, The Son of Man must, &c. —xii. 34.

Seeming contrarieties
Faith with readiness receives:
Lifted up from earth He is,
Dies, and yet for ever lives!
Thus His suffering saints beneath
Shame their way to glory see,
Find in the cold arms of death
Death is immortality.


[Traveller, see thy gracious day]

Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness, &c. —xii 35.

Traveller, see thy gracious day
Swiftly drawing to an end!
Mend thy pace, pursue thy way,
Ere the shades of night descend;
Fear to lose a moment's space,
Walk, advance, and hasten on,
And when death concludes thy race,
Dying shout “The work is done.”


[Who Himself to babes reveals]

These things spake Jesus, and departed, &c. —xii. 36.

Who Himself to babes reveals,
Justly from the proud departs,
Leaves the stubborn infidels
To the blindness of their hearts,
Quite withdraws His light and power,
Since they neither would receive:
Then their gracious day is o'er,
Then they never can believe.
Jesus, Light of life Divine,
Do not hide Thyself from me,
Me who would be wholly Thine,
Would be always led by Thee,


Me who trust Thy only love,
Who Thy Spirit's law obey,
In Thy face unveil'd above,
Show me that eternal day.


[The messengers rejected]

Who hath believed our report? and to whom, &c. —xii. 38.

The messengers rejected
May cry in every nation
How few embrace
The word of grace,
The gospel of salvation!
Not all His outward wonders
Can force us to believe Him,
Till Jesus' love
The veil remove;
And then our hearts receive Him.
The arm of the Almighty
We plainly then discover,
And Christ the Power
Of God adore,
Our souls' eternal Lover;
Who manifests the Father,
Restores us to His favour,
To end our sin
His mind brings in
And lives in man for ever.


[He offer'd them sufficient light]

He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened, &c. —xii. 40.

He offer'd them sufficient light
Which when they could but would not see,
He left them in their nature's night,
Their unbelief's obscurity:
He offer'd them His softening grace,
And when its power they scorn'd to feel,


Forsook the sick self-harden'd race
Who would not suffer Him to heal.


[Are there not still who would receive]

Among the chief rulers also many believed, &c. —xii. 42.

Are there not still who would receive
Thy truth and witnesses,
Who Thee their pardoning Lord believe,
But tremble to confess?
Rulers themselves with faith and fear
Thy works of wonder see,
But dare not in Thy cause appear,
Or give up all for Thee.
Their horror of assured disgrace
Of man's forbidding frown,
Their love of wealth, and pomp, and praise,
Detains and keeps them down;
So much to sell for Thee they have,
They will not quit their sins,
What but Thine utmost power can save
A prelate, or a prince?


[His public ministry to close]

Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on, &c. —xii. 44.

His public ministry to close
He lifts His voice amidst His foes,
By neither earth nor hell dismay'd;
Virtue, He with His voice exerts
To reach His weak disciples' hearts,
And thus their cowardice upbraid.
Sent from Jehovah in the skies,
Jesus His office magnifies:
The dignity of faith displays,
Which makes the depths of Godhead known,
Discerns the Father in the Son
With all His majesty and grace.



[Inseparably one with Thee]

He that seeth Me seeth Him that sent Me. —xii. 45.

Inseparably one with Thee
The Sender in the Sent we see,
The' express Similitude Divine,
His power and wisdom from above,
His truth and holiness and love,
Throughout Thy life and doctrine shine.
Beholding as with open face
In Thee we on Thy Father gaze
Transform'd by the transporting sight,
We praise the Godhead visible,
Come down with sinful men to dwell
And triumph in Thy glorious light.


[The Light into the world is come]

I am come a Light into the world, &c. —xii. 46.

The Light into the world is come,
And darts into our nature's gloom
The first Divine enlivening ray;
Happy who in the Light believes,
And with that glimmering ray receives
The promise of eternal day.
He shall not long in sin abide,
The Light will bring him forth and guide
His feet into the way of peace,
With still increasing lustre shine
And fill his soul with love Divine,
With all the life of heavenly grace.


[What profits it alas, to hear]

If any man hear My words, and believe not, &c. —xii. 47, 48.

What profits it alas, to hear
Thy sayings with a careless ear
Unless Thy sayings I obey,


In vain I call Thee God or Lord;
Neglecting to perform Thy word,
Thy word shall judge me in that day:
Thy gospel which I now despise,
Against me shall in judgment rise
And aggravate my fearful doom:
Unless I feel my guilty load,
A sinner dying in my blood,
And to the Friend of sinners come.
A sinner now I come to Thee,
For pardon life and liberty
Thy reconciling word receive:
Thou cam'st at first to show Thy grace,
Not to condemn our sinful race,
And diedst that all mankind might live.
In Thee an Advocate I have,
And answering Thy design to save
My humble confidence hold fast;
Bless'd with the faith that works by love,
Henceforth in all Thy paths I move,
And reach my Father's house at last.


[Thy great commission to fulfil]

For I have not spoken of Myself; but the, &c. —xii. 49.

Thy great commission to fulfil
And answer all Thy Father's will
His word Thou hast declared to man,
His word is not distinct from Thine,
But Father, Son, and Spirit join
To make the hidden mystery plain:
The whole Divine economy
Appointed and prescribed to Thee
Saviour, Thou hast display'd below;


And still Thou dost Thy grace impart,
And still in every faithful heart
The way to heavenly glory show.


[Thou in the gospel hast made known]

And I know that His commandment is life, &c. —xii. 50.

Thou in the gospel hast made known
The way by Thy great Father shown,
And thither Thy commandments tend,
The sum of all Thy teachings this,
Obedience leads to perfect bliss,
Obedience shall in glory end.
Jesus, Thy promise I embrace,
Fulness of evangelic grace,
Sufficient strength derive from Thee;
My soul upon Thy word is stay'd;
Thy word believed, beloved, obey'd,
Is life, eternal life to me.