University of Virginia Library

Sec. 490(8). Unlawful to keep, etc., ardent spirits in
clubhouse, etc., except in home.

It shall be unlawful for ardent spirits to be received, delivered
to, kept, sold, distributed, given away, or used in or at any club
house, fraternity house, lodge, or meeting place, whether such
meeting place is a house, room, car, or any place in any building,
or in the open air, or in any place, whether of like kind or not,
except in a bona fide "home" as hereinafter provided. Every
person who shall directly or indirectly, or by association with
others, keep or maintain or in any manner, aid, assist or abet in
keeping or maintaining such club house, fraternity house, lodge,
or meeting place of any corporation, association, or combination,
or any place in which ardent spirits are received or kept for the
purpose of use, gift, barter or sale, or for distribution or individual
use, by means of lockers or otherwise, or for division
among the members of any club, fraternity house, lodge, corporation,
association or combination by any means whatsoever;
and every person who shall use, barter, sell, store, or give away,
dispense, or assist or abet in bartering, selling, storing, or giving
away in individual lockers or otherwise, any ardent spirits so received
or kept, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and in
all cases the members, shareholders or guests in any club, fraternity,
lodge, association, corporation or combination mentioned
in this section, shall be competent witnesses to prove any violation
of the provisions of this subsection, or of any fact tending