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[With faith Thy saying we receive]

I am the Resurrection, and the Life: he, &c. —xi. 25, 26.

With faith Thy saying we receive,
Thee, Lord, the Resurrection own,
The' essential Life of all that live
Surrounding, or beneath Thy throne:
Life of the world to come Thou art,
Life of the saints in flesh confined,
And wouldst Thy quickening Spirit impart,
To raise the souls of all mankind.
The faith Thou dost on us bestow
Restores our souls to life again,
The' eternal Life in Thee we know,
The gracious glorious life obtain,
The antepast in perfect peace
In Thy unsinning mind we prove,
And feel the real holiness
The life infused of heavenly love.
Our souls raised up to die no more,
Jesus, Thou dost persist to save;
And Thou whom all Thy saints adore,
Shalt call our bodies from the grave;


We all who live by faith in Thee,
Who on Thine only love rely,
Possess'd of immortality
The second death shall never die.