University of Virginia Library


[Ye royal priests of Jesus, rise]

Ye royal priests of Jesus, rise,
And join the daily sacrifice;
Join all believers, in His name
To offer up the spotless Lamb.
Your meat and your drink offerings throw
On Him who suffer'd once below,
But ever lives with God above
To plead for us His dying love.
Whate'er we cast on Him alone
Is with His great oblation one;


His sacrifice doth ours sustain,
And favour and acceptance gain.
On Him, who all our burdens bears,
We cast our praises and our prayers,
Ourselves we offer up to God,
Implunged in His atoning blood.
Mean are our noblest offerings,
Poor feeble unsubstantial things;
But when to Him our souls we lift,
The altar sanctifies the gift.
Our persons and our deeds aspire
When cast into that hallow'd fire,
Our most imperfect efforts please
When join'd to Christ our righteousness.
Mix'd with the sacred smoke we rise,
The smoke of His burnt sacrifice;
By the Eternal Spirit driven
From earth, in Christ we mount to heaven.