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 Miss Howard.. 
 the Earl of Belmont.. 
 Henry Mandeville, Esq;. 
 George Mordaunt, Esq;. 
 Henry Mandeville, Esq;. 
 the Earl of Belmont.. 
To the Earl of Belmont. September 10.
 Lord Viscount Fondville.. 
 Colonel Bellville.. 
 Colonel Bellville.. 
 George Mordaunt, Esq;. 
 Colonel Bellville.. 
 George Mordaunt, Esq;. 
 Henry Mandeville, Esq;. 
 Colonel Bellville.. 
 Colonel Bellville.. 
 George Mordaunt, Esq;. 
 Colonel Bellville.. 
 Lady Anne Wilmot.. 
 George Mordaunt, Esq;. 
 Henry Mandeville, Esq;. 
 Lady Anne Wilmot.. 
 Colonel Bellville.. 
 Henry Mandeville, Esq;. 
 Colonel Bellville.. 
 Colonel Mandeville.. 
 Colonel Bellville.. 
 Colonel Bellville.. 
 the Countess Melespini.. 
 George Mordaunt, Esq;. 
 Colonel Bellville.. 
 Henry Mandeville, Esq;. 
 Colonel Bellville.. 
 Col. Bellville.. 
 Colonel Bellville.. 
 the Earl of Belmont.. 
 the Earl of Rochdale.. 
 Col. Bellville.. 

To the Earl of Belmont.
September 10.

My Lord,

YOUR Lordship's absence, and the death of my mother, which renders my estate more worthy Lady Julia, has hitherto prevented my explanation of an unguarded expression, which I find has had the misfortune to displease you. I am far from intending–Your Lordship intirely mistakes me–No man can be more sensible of the honor of your Lordship's alliance, or of Lady Julia's uncommon perfections: but a light way of talking, which one naturally acquires in the world, has led me


undesignedly into some appearance of disrespect to a state, of the felicity of which I have not the least doubt.

I flatter myself your Lordship will, on cooler reflexion, forgive an unguarded word, and allow me to hope for the honor of convincing you and the Lady, by my future conduct, that no man has a higher idea of matrimonial happiness, than,

My Lord,
Your Lordship's
Most devoted
and very obedient Servant,
