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The later poems of John Clare

1837-1864 ... General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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He that dwelleth in the secret place
Of God the great & high
Beneath the shadow of his grace
In quiet peace shall lie
The Lord my lasting friend shall be
He is my refuge still
The fortress of my cares is he
& trust in God I will
Surely from the fowlers snare
He shall deliver thee
& from the noisesome pestilence
Still keep thee pure & free
His truth shall shield & buckler give
When hell its vengance flings
Beneath his feathers thou shalt live
& his defending wings
Nights terrors all shall flee away
Nor fears thy soul alarm
The arrows that are shot by day
Shall do thy life no harm


From pestilence that walks by night
Thy dwelling shall be free
Destruction that at noon shall blight
Shall never injure thee
A thousand by thy side shall fall
Ten thousand by thy hand
But nought shall bring thee into thrall
While God thy friend shall stand
Thou shalt behold it with thine eyes
The wicked's sure reward
Because the Lord thy refuge lies
Thy house is Gods regard
No evil thou shalt meet at large
No plague thy dwelling rase
For he shall give his angels charge
To keep thee all thy days
Thee they shall bear up in their hands
Nor leave thee all alone
Lest thou should'st dash in troubles lands
Thy foot against a stone
Thou shalt tread on the Lions main
& crush the adders crown
Young Lions by thy foot be slain
That tramples Dragons down
Because on me he sets his love
I'll keep his heart from shame
I'll set him high all foes above
Because he knows my name


On me his inward love shall call
In care I'll bring relief
I'll answer him in every thrall
& honour his belief
With length of life & honours too
Him I will satisfye
To him salvation will I shew
When troubles days are bye