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Two Harvest Hymns FOR MDCCCLIV.


Two Harvest Hymns FOR MDCCCLIV.

[Give thanks, happy Nation! for Mercy rejoices]

Give thanks, happy Nation! for Mercy rejoices
O'er Judgment to triumph and fill us with food:
Be glad, O ye People! and lift up your voices
To Him who is ever the Giver of good.
What thanks shall we render?—Ah, sinful and earthy,
The praises we bring are too few and too cold,—
Redeemer! make Thou this poor offering worthy,
And pour out Thy Spirit on us, as of old.


For truly to Thee our fervent desire
Would go forth in grateful acknowledgment here;
But only Thy heart-stirring grace can inspire
The love that is life and that casteth out fear.
Ah! well may we fear Thee,—whose judgments are sounding
In thunders of wrath and in trumpets of woe;
And well may we love Thee,—whose mercies abounding
In rivers of peace and prosperity flow.
Yet let us not boast, like a Dives possessing
Garners of wheat with enough and to spare;
But humbly and thankfully taking the blessing
Praise the good Giver, and seek Him in pray'r!


Second Hymn. Dear heart of old England! be glad and rejoice

Dear heart of old England! be glad and rejoice
For blessed abundance on basket and store,—
And raise the thanksgiving with national voice
To Him, by whose bounty we live evermore.
While Judgment, in pestilence, famine and sword,
Might well have rebuked us for folly and sin,
Thy Mercy hath triumph'd, and fed us, good Lord!
With plenty and health and contentment within.


Too truly, the hurricane thunders of war
Are heard in the distance and soon shall increase,
But while the storm threatens and rages afar
Our dwellings are safe in the blessing of peace:
Too truly, the angel of death in the air
Is hovering, and scarcely withholdeth his hand,
But, King of that Angel! in pity forbear,
Remember Araunah, and favour the land!
O Nation! what People beside is so blest?
What People so thankful and holy should be?
O Father and Shepherd! who givest us rest,
Thy children and sheep of Thy pasture are we.
Then, Praise be to God, for the fruits of the field,
This harvest of gold in the lap of the soil,
This grateful return Earth hasteth to yield
By Heaven's own blessing on dutiful toil!