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A Sonnet Chronicle

1900-1906: By H. D. Rawnsley

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Death, The Angel Friend


Death, The Angel Friend

In Memoriam—G. F. Watts, R.A., July 1. 1904.

From the clear heights where Love his life had brought,—
Love of his fellows, love of all the good
Whose fire revivifies a nation's blood,—
He saw the farther heights his spirit sought;
There fame and name were neither sold nor bought,
There pride and even Mammon's mighty brood
Might be transformed, through power of brotherhood,
To give, not get, and think as Christ had thought.
Tireless he toiled in hope, whose harp's last string
Unbroken, made sweet music to the end;
The “Utmost for the Highest” here below
Was truth enough for any man to know;
And, working, oft he heard an angel's wing,
Then rose at last and went with Death his friend.

The painter told me that often, as he worked at his easel, he heard the sound as of an angel's wing, and looked round, thinking that Death, his friend, had come to call him. —H.D.R.