University of Virginia Library




“Do you remember, darling,
The mocking words you said,—
And snapt with fairy fingers
And shook your naughty head?
And have you thought it over yet?
And will my child be true?
And has she loved me long enough
To know what she can do?”—


“Oh I remember nothing,
Nor mocking words nor true,—
For I remember nothing
But you, but you, but you!
Forget the men that wooed me,—
I hate them,—let them go;—
Forget the song I sang to you
That day I ‘did not know’!



“Ah! not like this they wooed me,—
'Twas gamesome girl and boy;—
Sometimes I half was willing
And often I was coy:
And this I took for love, dear,—
So little then I knew!
But now I smile to think I thought
Of any love but you.


“For this is quite a strange thing,
With this I cannot play;
At a single look of yours, dear,
My spirit melts away;
And body and soul are yours, dear,
I am you, I am not I,
And if you go I'll follow you,
And if you change, I'll die.”—


“I've seen in a king's cabinet
Full many a carven toy;
And Life the Psyche-butterfly
And Love the running boy;
And Life the altar odorous
And Love the kindling flame,
And Life the lion amorous
Which Love was come to tame.



“But we from sard and sardonyx
Must grave us gems anew,
If we would have the legend
Tell truth for me and you!
For Love has caught the butterfly,
And Love has lit the fire,
And Love has led invincibly
His lion with the lyre.”