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By Owen Meredith [i.e. E. R. B. Lytton]

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Indifferently turning his glance,
Alfred Vargrave encounter'd that gaze unaware.
O'er a boddice snow-white stream'd her soft dusky hair;
A rose-bud half-blown in her hand; in her eyes
A half pensive smile.
A sharp cry of surprise


Escap'd from his lips: then, embarrass'd and vex'd,
He saluted the Countess; and sought, much perplex'd,
For some trivial remark—the conventional phrases—
Irreproachable manners, appropriate praises.
But in spite of himself, some unknown agitation,
An invincible trouble, a strange palpitation,
Confused his ingenious and frivolous wit;
Overtook, and entangled, and paralysed it.
That wit so complacent and docile, that ever
Lightly came at the call of the lightest endeavour,
Ready coin'd, and availably current as gold,
Which, secure of its value, so fluently roll'd
In free circulation from hand on to hand
For the usage of all, at a moment's command;
For once it rebell'd, it was mute and unstirr'd,
And he look'd at Lucile without speaking a word.