University of Virginia Library



From Herbert.

Awake, sad heart, whom sorrows drown,
Lift up thine eyes, and cease to mourn,
Unfold thy forehead's settled frown;
Thy Saviour and thy joys return.
Awake, sad drooping heart, awake!
No more lament, and pine, and cry:
His death thou ever dost partake,
Partake at last His victory.
Arise; if thou dost not withstand,
Christ's resurrection thine may be:
O, break not from the gracious Hand,
Which, as it rises, raises thee.
Cheer'd by thy Saviour's sorrows rise;
He grieved, that thou may'st cease to grieve:
Dry with His burial-clothes thine eyes;
He died Himself, that thou may'st live!