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The Masons Lodge.

In yonder valley stands the mighty dome,
Where Nature shines in all her gaudy bloom:
Where riches, beauty, art and pow'r unite
To make the structure of the lodge complete.
Here golden steps preliminaries join'd
With precious stones, the richest of each kind;
The lofty gate, expanded high, decor'd
With all the beauties Nature can afford.
Here spacious lights let in the gleams of day
Thro' azure vaults, that back rebound the ray:
The floor rich pav'd from every costly mine;
And round the walls carbuncles brightly shine.
The painted roof in highest orbits rise,
Bedeck'd with all the beauties of the skies,
In various colours, arch'd of red and green,
And fiery amber shine in trails between;


And opposite is Phœbus pourtray'd fair,
With constellations round him as in air,
The ground-work azure with indented clouds,
Above the reach of deluges and floods.
When time tires out, and can no longer run,
Forth from the centre, brighter than the sun,
Shall come the Master, who will justly judge
All members of this great and spacious lodge.