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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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52. Mans Progresse.
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52. Mans Progresse.

The Earth is that forbidden Tree that growes
Ith' midst of Paradise; Her Fruit that showes
So sweet, so faire, so pleasing to the eyes,
Is worldly pleasure in a faire disguize:
The Flesh suggests: The Fruit is faire and good
Apt to make wise, and a delicious Food;
It hath a secret vertue, wherewithall
To make you Gods; and not to dye at all.
Man tasts, and tempts the frailty of his Brother;
His Brother eats; One bit cals on another:
His guilty Conscience opes his eyes; He sees,
He sees his empty nakednesse, and flees;
Hee stitches slender Fig-leaves, and does frame
Poore Arguments t'excuse his Sin, his Shame:
But in the cooler evening of his Dayes,
The voyce calls Adam: Adam's in a Maze:
His Conscience bids him run: The voyce pursues;
Poore Adam trembles, ere hee knowes the newes:
Adam must quit the Garden, lest he strive
To tast the saving Tree of life, and live;
Poore Man must goe; But whether is he bound?
Ev'n to the place from whence he came, the Ground.