University of Virginia Library

And now, my Lord, although this office be
Vnsutable to my sex, and disagree
Too much perchance, with the too mean condition
Of my estate, more like to finde dirision,
Then satisfaction; yet, my gratious Lord,
Extr'ordinary merits doe afford
Extr'ordinary meanes, and can excuse
The breach of custome, or the common vse;
VVherefore, incited by the deare directions
Of dead Parthenia, by mine owne affections,
And by the exc'lence of your high desert,
I here present you with a faithfull heart,
A heart, to you deuoted; which assures
It selfe no happinesse, but in being yours.
Pardon my boldnesse. They that shall reproue
This, as a fault, reproue a fault in loue.
And why should custome doe our sex that wrong,
To take away the priuiledge of our tongue?
If nature giue vs freedome, to affect,
Why then should custome barre vs to detect


The gifts of nature? She that is in paine
Hath a sufficient warrant to complaine.
Then giue me leaue (my Lord) to reinforce
A virgins suit, (thinking ne're the worse
Of proferd loue) let my desiers thriue,
And freely 'accept what I so freely giue.