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The hovse of correction

or, certayne satyricall epigrams. Written by I. H. Gent. [i.e. John Heath]. Together with a few Characters, called Par Pari: or, like to like, quoth the Deuill to the Collier

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To Mistris E. S.

To Mistris E. S.

Let but thy beautious eyes looke on this line,
To see, as in thy Glasse, thy beautie shine,
Which beauty nature gaue thee to disgrace
Our latter Artists, who make vp a face
Of seeming beautie, for to blinde such eyes,
As with Pigmalion them doe Idolize.
Should I not praise, what I praise-worthy see,
I should doe wrong to nature and to thee:
Yet, whilst I speake thee faire, so short I come
Of thy perfection, that I'me deem'd by some
To light the shining Sunne: Yet from my hand
Receiue this graine vnto thy heape of sand.