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A mastif whelp with other ruff-Island-lik Currs fetcht from amongst the Antipedes

Which bite and barke at the fantasticall humorists and abusers of the time [by William Goddard]

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Satire 56.
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Satire 56.

[Verbositus at wordes from Latine caru'd]

Verbositus at wordes from Latine caru'd
Dus snatch, as if his wittes were hunger-staru'd:
And well hee dus; for faith soe leane 'tis growne,
That from Annotomie 'tis hardly knowne.
It is soe weake, as (truelie) I protest,
Fine phrase retoricall 'twill not disgest.
Harke Would by-wise? by good wordes ill appli'd,
The Asse to be a foole by's owne tongue's tri'd,
Then if th'art wise, thy tongue hath thee beti'd,