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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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A Prayer for apaising of the Plague.

A Prayer for apaising of the Plague.

Ovr wicked liu's hes wakned Lord, thy wrath,
In kindling it for our iniquitie,
Jt maks thee blowe, this thy devouring breath,
To punish vs, for our impietie.
Our fall's and faults, hes forc'd thee to let flee,
At the Noone day, thy Arrows Pestilent,
Yet in thy mercies Lord, remember: Wee
Are thy owne Sons, on whom the same is sent,
Albeit thy Bow, against our breasts be bent,
And thou the Rod, does hold into thy hand,
We hope thou will inspire vs to repent,
And from th'Infection last releif the Land,
That in the greatnes of her greef does grone,
Looking, O Lord, for thy releif alone.