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The Psalmes of David Translated Into Lyrick-Verse

according to the scope, of the Original. And Illustrated, with a Short Argument, and a breife Prayer, or Meditation; before, & after, every Psalme. By George Wither

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Psa. 51.


To the cheef Musitian a Psalme of David when Nathan the prophet came vnto him, after he had gone into Bethsheba. It personates a man trulie penitent; and, a true confession, contrition, & purpose of amendment, is the subiect of this Psalme, Everie true penitentiarie may sing it in his humiliation, &c.


Oh Lord, of thy abounding Love
To my offence, remissive be:
My Follies Purge, my Sinn remove,
And, of thy grace, daigne grace to me.
For, still, my fault before me lies;
Yea, by my selfe, I am accus'd:
Thee, thee alone, my conscience cries,
Ev'n to thy face, I have abus'd.


Which, here I do confesse, oh Lord,
That, when to censure thou art brought,
Men, true my finde thy Truthfull word,
And, judge thy Iudgments as they ought,


For, (sinnfull though my parents made,
My Beeing, & my Birth to bee)
From thee, a secret grace I had,
To forme the Truth thou seek'st in mee.


And, if I purg'd with hysope were,
Mee, thou shouldst make more white then snowe:
Yea, thy Glad-message when I heare,
The bones thou brak'st, will healthfull growe.
Then, from my faults, thy face divart;
Blot all my follies out of sight;
Creat in me a spotles hart,
And, make my Spirit, Lord, vpright.


Oh! let me not rejected be;
Take not thy Holie-ghost away;
To joiefull health, restore thou mee;
Let thy free Spirit be my stay.
So, I will other Sinners guide,
To seek thy grace, & walk thy waies;
And, (if my bloudie sinn thou hide)
Thy Iustice, oh my God, I'le praise.


Which praises, that my tongue may sing,
My lipps, oh Lord my God, vnclose:
For, Burnt-oblations I would bring;
But, thou hast quite reiected those,
A greeved Soul, a contrite hart,
Is God's best-liked Sacrifize:
With such, oh God! thou pleased art;
And, such thou never shalt despise.


As thou art pleas'd, Mount-Syon blesse,
And wall about Ierusalem.
The Sacrifize of Righteousnes,
Shall then obtaine thy good esteem.
Yea, thou shalt then their Guifts receive,
And, they shall all their Offrings pay;


Ev'n whole Burnt-offrings they shall give,
And, Oxen on thine Altar slay.