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Anus returns, saying thir words.

Ane nichbour wife, did stay me for to cum,
With nochtie wourdis, not tending to na sens,
Quha with hir wourdis, wald vinqueis and orecum,
Marcvs, that orator of eloquens:
To hurt your eis, now quhat is your pretence,
With murning teirs, your body for to deir,
How cums this colour, and gret rubigence,
Quhilk in your visage, plainly dois apeir.
Quhen I was absent, out of sicht my sell,
Quhat Pamphil did, resolue me of that dout,
Now Galathæ, I pray the for to tell,
All things in ourdour, as they are faln out.