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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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Lecherie rebuked.

Lecherie rebuked.


Syng this as, On tabrets to the Lorde. &c.

Like as the fowler wyth hys bayte,
Soone brynges the byrd in snare,


So are mens soules through lechery,
Destroyde yer they be ware.
For lechery (Gods ennemy)
With vertue is not plaste:
Of present lust a fowle delyght,
And of substance a waste.
It blyndeth men, that they thynke not
On dreadfull pouertie:
Whych from great vse of lechery,
Long absent can not be.
To bryng a man to beggers state,
Of harlots is the trade:
Therfore absteyne from lechery,
Let it not thee inuade.
For yf we shall consyder well,
Mans nature excellent:
The hyghnes and the dygnitie,
That God therto hath lente.
It is a fowle and wycked synne,
To vse it wantonly:
Resoluyng it vnhonestly,
In fylthy lechery.
How honest and howe beautyfull
To lyue contrary wyse,
In continence and temperance,
Sobernes to deuyse.


For lechery and synfull lust
In youth who so doth vse:
Shall wythred be with feblenes,
In age for thys abuse.
Take hede therfore, let not your hartes
In harlots snares be caught:
Absteyne from them, frequent them not,
Theyr pathes be very naught.
The houses of suche harlots are,
Of helle the very snare:
Theyr chambers vnto dredfull death,
Full well we may compare.
For grace therfore pray we to God,
And vnto wedlocke cleaue:
Of lechery and synfull lust
That we may take our leaue.