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Meditations. Memoratiues. By Elizabeth Grymeston

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Miserere mei Deus.

Haue mercy ô good God on me
in greatnesse of thy grace,
O let thy mercies manifold
my many faults deface.
Foule, filthie, lothsome, vgly sinne
hath so defiled me,
With streames of pittie wash me cleane,
else cleane I cannot be.
Too well my foule vnclensed crimes
Remembrance doe renew,
Too plaine in anguish of my heart
they stand before my view.
To thee alone, ô Lord, to thee
these euils I haue done,
And in thy presence, woe is me,
that ere they were begun.
But since thou pardon promisest
where hearts true ruth is showne;
Shew now thy mercies vnto me,
to make thy iustnesse knowne.
That such as doe infringe thy grace,
be made asham'd, and shent,
As rife thy mercies to behold,
as sinners to repent.
With fauour view my foule defects:
in crimes I did beginne:
My nature bad, my mother fraile,
conceau'd I was in sinne.

But since thy selfe effectest truth,
and truth it selfe is Thee;
I truely hope to haue thy grace
from sinne to set me free.
Since to the faithfull thou before
the secret science gaue,
Whereby to know what thou wouldst spend,
the sinfull world to saue.
Whose heauenly Hyssope sacred drops,
shall me besprinckle so,
That it my sinne-defiled soule
shall wash more white then snow.
O when my eares receiue the sound
of such my soules release,
How do sinne laden limmes reioice,
at hearts true ioies encrease!
From my misdeeds retyre thy sight,
view not so foule a staine,
First wipe away my spots impure,
then turne thy face againe.
A cleane and vndefiled heart,
ô God, create in me:
Let in me, Lord, of righteousnesse
a spirit infused be.
From that most glorious face of thine
ô cast me not away,
Thy holy Ghost vouchsafe, ô God,
With me that it may stay.
The ioy of thy saluation, Lord,
restore to me againe,
And with the sprite of graces chiefe,
confirme it to remaine.

That when at thy most gracious hand
my sutes receiued be,
The impious I may instruct
how they may turne to thee.
For when, ô Lord, I am releast
from vengeance and from blood,
How ioyfull shall I speake of thee,
so gracious and so good!
Thou, Lord, wilt giue me leaue to speake,
and I thy praise will showe:
For so thy graces do require
thou doest on me bestowe.
If thou sinne offrings hadst desired,
as wonted were to be,
How gladly those for all my illes,
I would haue yeelded thee!
But thou accepts in sacrifice
a sorrowing soule for sinne,
Despising not the heart contrite,
and humbled minde within.
Deale graciously, ô louing Lord,
in thy free bounty will
With Sion thy deare spouse on earth,
and fortifie it still.
That so thou mayest thence receiue
that soueraigne sacrifice,
From altar of all faithfull hearts,
deuoutly where it lies.
To thee, ô Father, glory be,
and glory to the Sonne,
And glory to the holy Ghost
eternally be done.