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Sonetto. 30.

Sonetto. 30.

[Sweete beautie in thy face doth still appeere]

Sweete beautie in thy face doth still appeere,
Myne onely ioye and best beloued deere:
Myne onlye deere and best belou'd content,
Reuiue my heart and dyinge spirrits spent:
The onlye agent of my thoughtes delight,
Embrace my loue and doe not me despight,
Secure my feares and solace cares content,
With hopes repast to fauour mine entent:
The fier will out if fuell doe but want,
And loue in time will die if it be scant:
Let then desire yeilde fuell to your minde,
That loue be not blowen out with euerie winde:
So shall my heart like Etnas lasting flame,
Burne with your loue and ioye still in the same.