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Grad. soccer team scrimmage 5
p.m. today on Nameless Field.

Important, 1st meeting Off
Grounds Housing Organization;
Weds. October 24, 4th Floor
Newcomb Hall.

TV with McGovern night –
Wednesday, October 25, at 7:30
p.m. in the informal lounge at
Newcomb Hall.

Students for McGovern–Shriver
announce: A McGovern gathering,
8 p.m. Wed., Oct. 25, in Newcomb
Hall Ballroom. Students, faculty,
townspeople are urged to attend.

Important ISFC meeting, 4:00
DTD, attendance mandatory.

Meeting of Academic & Athletic
Affairs Committee of Student
Council Wed. 7:30 in Emmet
Loun. Everyone welcome.


UUS Book Exchange table every
Thursday 11:30 - 1:00 p.m., 2nd
floor of Newcomb Hall.

T.I.L.K.A. meeting – Thursday, Phi
Pal Hous, 9 p.m.

U.Va. Riding Club meeting
Thursday Newcomb Hall, Room 4A
at 7 p.m. All "Happy Hoofers" are

U.Va. Sailing Assoc. – Beg. lessons,
Wed., Oct. 25, Newcomb 4A, 8
p.m., & Thurs., Oct. 26, Newcomb
Ballroom 8 p.m.

Grunts, REMFs. others interested
in rapping with D. C. Vietnam
Veterans Against the War
coordinator, comt to Rm. 4A
Newcomb Hall, Thursday, 8:30

All McGovern volunteers are urged
to meet in the lounge at Emmet
House, Thursday, Oct. 26, at 6:45

International Club Social Hour,
Thursdays, 5-7 p.m., at
International Center, 21 University
Circle. Everyone welcome.

Meeting of Human Relations
Committee of Student Council on
Thurs. 8:00 in South Meeting
Room, Newcomb. All interested
please attend.


Students interested in joining N.Va.
Student Vote to work on Absentee
Ballot procedure for 10th District
voters call Chip 977-7423.

Students with overseas experience,
please share your ideas by
completing short questionnaire. See
Prof. Artinian, Cabell 355.

10-Speed Bike Raffle! Help
Purchase gift for new Education
Building. Meller Annex, Room 2.

All students planning to do Student
Teaching during the second
semester should submit applications
by October 31. Forms are available
in Room 101 or 104, Peabody Hall

Free tickets are available to Friday
night's Children's Community
Theatre production for members of
Madison Hall's Big Brother/Big
Sister and Companionship Therapy
programs. Call 977-7051.