University of Virginia Library


Grad. announcements have arrived.
They're in the Newcomb Hall
Bookstore. Pick them up soon. 15
cents ca.

E. Roger Boyle directs Charles
Stuart, King, May 10-15, 5:30,
Minor Hall. Phone 924-3051

All Ravens, Annual Raven Society
Banquet & Cocktails 13 May - 5:30
p.m. Rotunda. Call 296-5216 after
6 if you weren't notified.

If you have finished college W/ a
major in Eng., Journalism, or Soc.
Sci. you might be interested in
part-time work helping a retired
advertising agency executive, now
in Charlottesville, finish up a novel.
Prefer grad. student, instructor or
one who has had some writing
experience. Should be able to type
fairly well. Will pay above going
hourly rate for competent person.
Should plan 10 to 15 hrs. weekly
on mutually convenient schedule.
Call 296-4905.

The April recipient of the
Echolballer Award is Steven
"Eddy" Edmonds — 325. He
succeeded in picking up a sister, but
failed to get into a good habit. Kart
Weatherhold received Honorable
Mention by rolling 1,000 mi.,
securing a date for a friend, & then
sitting home watching TV, after
Mary Palm shot him.

"AMBITIOUS MEN of all trades
north, to ALASKA and YUKON,
around $2800 a month., For
complete infor. write to JOB
RESEARCH, P.O. Box 161, Stn-A
Toronto, Ont. Enclose $4 to cover

WANTED: Student, knowledgeable
about bicycles, and with small
amount of capital, to sell Peugeot,
Gitane, Anquetil and Atala bikes
for me in Charlottesville area, esp.
near campus. Write or call: Watson
Morris, 425 West Cameron Avenue,
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. (919)
967-4738. Large commission.

People having debts w/ Ski Team
must leave vouchers in Box 91x of
Newcomb Hall by May 7.